The I Ching



Moon of Water


Regulations: measured steps, but fear
impermanent results if too severe!

There is a time when wisdom urges rest.
Another when the bird should leave his nest.
Observe no rules? Lament; the blame's to thee.
Attend them quietly - success flows free.
Enact right laws - be tactful with decree,
for men are vexed when harshly pressed.


Regulations. Who can do without them?
But not too many, lest men come to flout them!

Quit not thine house to meddle with the state;
But set good order still within thy gate.
Thou mayest lament if thou should'st disobey.
But keep the law and go thy peaceful way.
Enact thy laws - suave, tactful, moderate;
But vex not men with harshness overweigh!


Yi King Table of Contents


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